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Malaysia Punker NAO Release New EP Without Lyris to Fight Against

This is an unlikely confortable EP, they used a non-immediate expression of anger immediate plight of Malaysian nationals. They took nearly five years to rebuild the image of a Chinese orchestra in Malaysia independent music - into the political aspirations of restrained property.

We exist "outside the rules" do not have to rely on the appearance of protest. NAO with the current form of this interpretation of their understanding of the rules, and the political culture of a rhetorical question. "Smell Like Glue At Parliment" translated as "gum Congress." All addicts know what glue taste means that it is cheaper alternative, only those hopeless addicts will turn to its utility. This song the band explained: hallowed halls only look from the inside without serious debate. Strong smell of glue with the delegates continued excited nerves, that is psychedelic, absurd intense mutual abuse. Very coincidentally, all of the questions and satire are no words, only feelings of the Malaysian Parliament in the subtle emotions through movement weird or pretend to see politicians at the famous Capitol fierce competition.

In 40 years ago, Pink Floyd wrote a classic concept album "Darkside Of The Moon" (The Dark Side of the month). NAO cleverly borrowed the combination of words, creating a "Darkside Of The Noon" (dark afternoon), they wrote a very strange song to commemorate the three people in Malaysia protest movement "Clean Election (Malay: BERSIH)", they were occurred in 2007 November 10, July 9, 2011 and April 28, 2012, prior to this, the absence of street protests has been in Malaysia for almost 30 years. These three protests are regarded as the national awakening movement in Malaysia by Malysia history and culure researchers, and it also broke the trust relationship between the Chinese and Malays in Malaysia, and the protesters handed in hands to walk on to the streets protest against police violence, repression, combined with this in different ethnic groups behavior for a time became Malaysia anecdotal story, can not weigh in the national political significance when the cultural significance has also been very prominent. "Dim afternoon" refers to is the Malaysian riot squad (red helmets) in three sports people want to launch Malaysia's political life for 60 years most of tear gas, smoke suddenly clouds over Kuala Lumpur.

EP cover illustrator from a Chinese Malaysian Lin Qishun,the band of friends. It is quite a great reputation in Malaysia, he is wellknown by his strange style , most his works about humanity and good political satire and criticism.

Given some hidden relationship between the EP and the album will be born after the mass do not, if you are interested, please stay tuned and private letter to us. This is not a record to the entertainment era, but we are willing to beg record the entertainment era.

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